Abey Norbra
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This tweak: Was Tested This works only on 0803 AND 0806 Follow the below steps to get free Megabyte to browse the internet free with MTN. Step 1. Load N100 on Your mtn sim. Step 2. Goto your Message and type MAIL BROWSE MONTH in Capital letters and send it to 4777 or 131 in a minute or there about,you will get a message saying WRONG FORMAT. Step 3. Wait after 24hrs MTN will send you another message which will look like the one below: " WELCOME TO MTN 1 MONTH DATA PLAN" Step 4. After getting the Msg from step 3 above, You can start browsing free with your mobile phone using MTN, this 1 month free data plan is unlimited. Your N100 will still be intact, So enjoy free browsing on your mobile phone. Via

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